Avast ye! Take a sip and lift it to your nose, just the way the Captain did when he first created his sumptuous spiced spirit drink. You’ll taste notes of rich vanilla, brown sugar, warming spices with just the hint of oak. They all combine for balance, a smooth finish and the perfect drink for buccaneers and landlubbers alike.
Notes of rich vanilla, brown sugar, dried fruit, warming spices with hints of oak, come together to create a perfectly balanced spirit with a smooth finish.
Captain Morgan Spiced Gold
Price Comparison:
- Thirsty Donkey:$41.80
- The Liquor Shop:$41.99
- Chuan Seng Huat:$42.00
- Category: Rum
- Alcohol/Vol: 35.00%
- Size: 70cl
- Country: Jamaica
- Gift Box: