Expertly concocted for the Swiss cigar company Davidoff, this refined VSOP has recently been revamped after being bought by the HINE estate, meaning more innovative production methods and therefore more intricate and exciting flavor profiles, the bottle design has equally been modernized, in keeping with HINE’s contemporary vision. The VSOP has a distinctive character and is surprisingly complex, with a long and lingering finish on the palate.
The bottle comes in a stunning and slender design to share with other connoisseurs who enjoy the harmonious combination of a quality Cognac and cigar. Davidoff Cognac is generally rich, opulent and indulgent in their flavors, and their VSOP is no different, with an average age of 8 years with eaux-de-vie from the finest terroirs of the Cognac region.
Like the creation of a luxury cigar, Davidoff’s Cognacs incorporate the same level of craftsmanship and quality control as their other products to ensure the highest standard for their consumers.
The smooth smoking experience of a classic Genevan Davidoff cigar is replicated when drinking this delightful VSOP. Every sip is luxurious and lengthy, perfectly balanced. The dominant aromas in the VSOP’s flavor profile include sweet vanilla, decadent honey and dark stone fruit such as prune or plum.